Thursday 7 June 2018

Room With A View

The drive from Graz to Venice was fantastic and although we did follow the motorways today the scenery was still quite spectacular.

We are here in Venice for two nights and we didn't waste any time before getting out to explore this wonderful city. I am lucky enough to have visited once before but for my son everything is new although he is quite familiar with a lot of the landmarks as a consequence of his hours spent playing Assassins Creed.

We are staying in a hotel overlooking the lagoon but our room is at the back overlooking a quiet courtyard as you can see from the first picture.

I took the second shot late this evening as the light was going, it is an iconic shot of the gondola set against the backdrop of the Chiese di San Giorgio Maguire on the far side of the lagoon.

Tomorrow will no doubt involve lots more walking and exploring, I can't wait

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