Tuesday 5 June 2018

Ups And Downs

When we drove into Austria yesterday I was blown away by the stunning scenery. I pulled over briefly to capture the first of today's pictures of the rolling green hills. The scenery will change tomorrow as we head through the mountains to Graz but for now enjoy the fresh greens of the mountain pastures.

It is a different story here in Vienna too with all of the high buildings with such great heritage. We have spent some of the day caught up in the preparations for the visit by the Russian President Vladimir Putin and managed to get a sight of him as he went to open a new exhibition at one of Viennas many museums. We didn't let that spoil our day however as we got to enjoy many of the sights as well as relaxing in some of the city's parks and gardens.

The other two pictures today show first ly the floor of the Votivkirche and the second shows the dome of the Hofburg showing that everywhere that you look in Vienna there is something beautiful to see.

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