Sunday 10 June 2018

Around Firenze

Well today we have walked miles, about ten miles in fact and so it feels good to finally put my feet up at the end of the day.

I have captured a few random images on out wanderings around museums, cathedrals, parks and the streets of the city. Of course I have also captured some of the more iconic images of this most beautiful city.

The first two pictures link to one of the pictures I shared yesterday where someone has added a snorkeling mask to approximations of classic paintings, they appeared all round the city and so I thought I'd share...

The other two pictures are the sort of images you would probably expect to see. There's an imperfect panorama taking in the Ponte Vecchio, the Arno, the Basilica Di Santa Maria Novella and of course the Duomo of the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore.

The last is a very soft image of a sunset and the Ponte Vecchio. Hundreds of people had gathered on the Piazzale Michaelangelo to watch the sunset, two couples got engaged and others were having wedding or pre wedding photos done too. It was a nice way to end our time here, as tomorrow we're heading off to Casale Monferrato, a place I know nothing about but hope to have some interesting things to share next time.

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