Saturday 2 June 2018

From The Ashes


This morning we were in Dresden for just a couple of hours. We had a walk around the old part of the city and there were some pretty nice old buildings.

There are also some really cool new buildings too like the Conference centre on the banks of the Elbe. It is a fantastic structure with lots of glass walls, straight lines, slopes, angles and curves as you can see from the first two images.

In one there's also a statue of Dostoyevsky, I'm not sure what his connection with the city is so I will need to do a bit of research.

It felt odd as we walked around and thought about how during the cold war period this had been behind the "Iron Curtain" and we wondered how different life might have been for the local population. We saw some old cars from that era, a Trabant and a couple of Wartburgs, one with an exterior mounted sun visor and white wall tyres. It wasn't much of a car but the owner obviously took great pride in it because it was immaculate.

The final picture is of some daisies growing along the riverside and I thought they would add a splash of colour to my post for today.

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