Sunday 24 June 2018

Hitting the Right Notes

Canon 24mm - 105mm 1:4L
ISO 100   93 mm  F/14   1/125 sec

ISO 125   105mm   F/18   1/125 sec

One of the things that was always going to be on our radar for the roadtrip was the architecture whether that was old and traditional or new and contemporary and there were plenty of fine examples wherever we went.

One of my favourites on the trip was this building, the Opera House in Copenhagen seen here looking across Kobenshavns Havn from the gardens in front of the Amalienborg Palace.

I really like the straight lines and angles and I love the colours of the stone in the evening sun especially with the reflections from the river.

I am not sure whether the view through the fountain works or not. I like it, and I like the rainbow effect but I think I prefer the first image because it shows the clean lines of the architecture to best effect. 

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