Monday 3 January 2022

Bubba, The Aliens Have Landed

 OK so the aliens have not really landed but this Croquette vendors stall does look quite other wordly. Having eaten a substantial breakfast followed by a delicious waffle with chocolate and strawberries I didn't have enough room left to sample the croquettes but the stall certainly seemed popular with the locals. I have used a masking technique to make the vibrant colours stand out.

Having focused on  landscape and architecture for most of the week I decided to try a few street shots. Finding and capturing interesting shots of street life is not as easy as you might think. I like to capture candid images because as soon as people realise a camera is pointed in their direction their behaviour changes and you lose the spontaneity and natural feel. I tried to get some shots of a market trader who was calling out enthusiastically and his actions as he sold his wares were larger than life but he caught me watching him and his movement became more self conscious so I gave up and moved away.

I thought I liked the second image but looking back at it I am not so sure, I like the lighting but there is not really enough going on.

Probably my favourite of todays images is the one of the old man and his bike. His face mask is an indicator of the times we are in and his stooped posture seems to emphasise the burden of just getting on with normal life. I got this from a low angle and I have used a preset in lightroom which I think makes for a standout image.

The fourth shot is of a couple visiting a pharmacy, I was actually stood waiting outside and thought they were nicely framed by the doorway and  the old laytout of the shop.

The final image is of the shop window for a lace shop, this is the store I mentioned in my post a couple of days ago. Inside there is a wonderful selection of new and antique lace, some pieces several hundreds of years old. I spent a long time in the store learning a little about the history of lace making and the decline in the industry, as well as a little about the history of Belgium, and some of its past rulers.

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