Saturday 1 January 2022

It's A Fairy Tale

 I told you in my last blog that Bruges is like a fairy tale city and at night that is even more true as you can see from the images above.

These buildings are all in the region of 500years old, they have so much character and charm and at the end of the day when the traffic has left the city it is easy to imagine this part of the city as it was when it was new.

I love the lights and reflections in the colour images, as the canal is mirror calm. Lots of people were admiring these views and I have used long exposures to really capture the reflections but also to "erase" the people who were walking by.

I have used black and white for the images of the market hall as I think that best suits the structure. I tried to imagine these stalls fully occupied with traders (even the following day there were only a handful of stalls in use) and the variety of produce that would have been on sale.

I loved visiting Bruges and having the opportunity to capture its sights at night. 

In the coming days I will share some more abstract images and some street photography as I explored the city on a busy Saturday morning so be sure to look out for those.

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