Thursday 20 January 2022

Robins Appear when Loved Ones are Near


Meet my new friend.

One day in December I really felt the need to get out and take a little time to myself so I headed off to Burton Mere. I wasn't really bothered about taking photos and for much of the time I just walked or stood quietly to enjoy the peace of my surroundings. 

I had spotted a small, noisy flock of Long Tailed Tits in a tree next to the path so I stopped to watch them and as I stood there this beautiful Robin flew down to the railing next to me. For the next 15 minutes he kept me company, even flying onto my outstretched hand twice, despite the fact that I had nothing to feed it. As I spoke to it it cheeped back at me and it posed nicely for photos. In that short space of time I was totally absorbed in the moment, I felt at complete peace. Even now several weeks later when I recall the experience I feel that same feeling of peace. It was such a simple thing but it has had a big impact on me and my sense of well-being.

I am so pleased with these images too, the detail and the lighting are perfect and I am so pleased to be able to share them, I hope they give a little lift to your day.

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