Sunday 2 January 2022

Written in Fire?

 I know these may n0t be to everyone's taste but I rather like these images. I enjoy looking for the abstract images that can be found in ripples and reflections. I posted some shots on a similar theme on a website about two years ago and got barely any response but about 6 months later I saw very similar posts by other regular contributors who were using the same approach so I thought I may have influenced their own experiment.

Here the shots were taken at night of a hotel sign reflected in one of Bruge's canals, different angles, exposures and crops have produced very different images of the same thing, all of which I think are quite effective and interesting. Water that had appeared flat and smooth is revealed to have lots of movement and miniature peaks and troughs each catching the light and reflecting it back in different ways. Walking by the reflections just look like splashes of light but frozen in time and looked at more closely there is so much detail and beauty to be found in something simple and fleeting.

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