Wednesday 19 January 2022

Light Waves

At first I couldn't decide what to post today, I have some beautiful shots of a Robin that I have been wanting to share but I decided that will be for my next post and today I have chosen some abstract images.

You may have seen similar posts from me in the past and you will know that I have a fascination for the way light plays on water and the stunning images that can be created from something so simple. Next time you are by a lake, pond, canal or other body of water on a calm day take a moment to look at what is going on on the surface. Even gentle movements can create intricate patterns and the angle of the sunlight, or any light source if it is after dark will bring out the detail in what otherwise might appear a flat surface. It is always changing and by capturing a moment in time in a photograph will preserve that detail.

In each of the images above I have taken a photograph and cropped a section and adjusted the exposure and the balance to create an image that is more than was there at first sight, to bring out the subtleties of the individual ripples and reflections.

These were all captured at Burton Mere and other than the first image which is simply a reflection of the light coming through the clouds the other images are the distorted reflections of the trees around the mere.

I love these abstract images because each time you look you can see something different. 

I hope that you like them but if wildlife is more for you then be sure to take a look tomorrow because I will post something that I am sure you will like.

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