Friday 7 January 2022

Dog in a Dickie

 So here are the last few images that I will share from my recent road trip in Europe (I briefly visited France, Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium) my last stop being Bruges and I spent some time people watching.

The first couple of images are from a scene I observed in the main square where a large group of people had gathered apparently for a wedding. Somewhat bizarrely it seemed to be combined with a fencing display, perhaps the bride and/or groom were members of the fencing team, who knows? Anyway the star of the show for me was the dog in a bow tie.

The following three images were captured around the city, one of a walking tour guide who has the attention of his tour group, another of a happy cyclist and finally of an interesting character who passed me on a bridge.

I do enjoy people watching and trying to capture these candid shots but it is also frustrating when I see scenes a fraction too late and realise I have missed a good shot. I guess I just have to get out there more...

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