Thursday 16 February 2023

Experimental Film


In February last year (25th to be precise) I posted under the title "whoosh" some long exposure images of the snow drops at Chirk, inspired by driving through snow on the journey there. Each shot was about 2 seconds duration and I used my 24mm-105mm L series zoom lens staring at 105 mm and zooming out to 24mm.

Looking back at those images I am not very happy with them and I thought I would try the same effect again on my most recent visit to Chirk. This time I used a shorter exposure, for the first image it was 1 second and for the rest it was 0.8 seconds. I am overall much happier with the results this time round and feel the effect is much more in line with what I hoped to achieve... something like the look when you make the jump to light speed!

Anyway I hope you enjoy these images and while you look why not listen to this tune by They Might Be Giants, and hopefully your face will not implode.

If more conventional photos of snowdrops is more your thing stop by tomorrow as i also have some of those.

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