Monday 27 February 2023

Palace Gardens

 In February 2020 I visited Vienna, it was my second time in the city and despite the cold it was still great to be there.

One place that I visited was Schonbrunn Palace and spent some time exploring the extensive grounds which are a public park and there is even a zoo.

The building itself is a rich warm yellow which obviously doesn't come across in the picture above but perhaps I will find some more images to share that will bring to colours to life. For this image however I have made a slight adjustment to the exposure and a given it a very slight tweak in curves (very much an experiment for me as I rarely go beyond the simplest of edits) to create what I think is a nice overall effect.

I was impressed by the long pergola and I would love to see it when the flowers are in full bloom but in the middle of the winter I think the beauty in the image comes from the structure itself and the perspective towards the archway at the end of the path. I did a creative edit of this image in 2020 and posted it under the title four square so if you felt inclined you could take a look at that too.

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