Friday 15 January 2016

Fresh Growth

When I selected these pictures for today the connection was supposed to be "green" and the original title was going to be "Fresh Greens" because when I look at all of these pictures that is what I can see. I was absolutely certain about the last three pictures but had a nagging doubt about the first and so asked before posting just to be on the safe side. DOH! 

Even though I now know that the fungi in pictures one and two are not green that is still what I see but knowing they're not green just confuses me and frustrates me. It doesn't spoil the images for me, I still find them beautiful and interesting but it makes me question what I see and how these things will appear to other people.

I didn't intend to speak about colour blindness I wanted to speak about the fresh colours, the new growth and the hope that comes in winter when plants like these come to life and bring the promise of spring and when you look at the images that is what I really hope you will see, and however differently we might see these pictures I can say that I like them a lot, I am pleased with how they look and I am pleased to share them with you... enjoy! 

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