Thursday 14 January 2016

Just a Wee Drop

A woodland walk on a wet Saturday (or any other day of the week for that matter) will provide lots of great photo opportunities you just have to keep your eyes open and have an eye for what makes an interesting shot. 

If you have seen my blog before you will know that I love the small things that would easily be missed and I find things like the droplets of water in the pictures above to be really beautiful.  I love the way they hold their form and the way they cling to the minute hairs on the surface of the leaf.  I love the reflections they capture and the way they magnify and expose the patterns within the leaf. There really is so much beauty here.

What surprised me too about these images was that these droplets are on new growth on Honeysuckle, which while perfectly at home in the woodland it seemed very early in the season to find such  growth and I hope that as the weather turns to what would normally be expected from this time of the year these tender new shoots are not damaged.

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