Sunday 31 January 2016

Leave Me Alone I'm Thinking

First of all a friend pointed out that the watermark on yesterday's pictures actually got in the way of the expressions which is what I had tried to show so I have edited them so they are less obtrusive so if you want a better look click on the link to yesterday's pictures and you will see what I mean.  If you didn't see them, now is a good time to look #justsayin'.

Secondly why do all these apes look so sad? 

The first two shots are of Sumatran Orangutans.  They were sat out in the wintry sunshine and the youngest one was playing and on the move (which is why it's slightly blurry) but the adult male looked properly fed up.

The third picture is of a Silvery Gibbon, he has the thickest and softest looking fur and a lovely face but such a sad expression.

The final two images are of Sulawesi Macaque.  These are really gregarious animals and there was a good number of them in the enclosure however this one seemed to prefer his own company. 

The new enclosures at Chester Zoo are really quite incredible and their inhabitants have lots of space, indoors and out with lots to keep them occupied so perhaps they're not sad, maybe they're just pondering what to do next.

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