Monday 25 January 2016

Meet My New Friend

If you like robins then today you are in for a real treat...

Whilst walking up Tom Gill and around Tarn Hows I paused for a short while in the shelter of a rocky ledge to get out of the rain. As I stood there this little robin flew down and approached me.  I didn't have any food for it and so it quite happily searched for insects in the moss and leaf litter. He seemed to pose at times and let me get really close.  He even sat and watched while I changed lenses from my 24 - 105mm to my 100mm macro. With that lens I was able to position my camera just inches from him and he didn't move, he even seemed to take an interest in what I was doing. I have zoomed in for a real close crop in the fourth image so that you can see how clearly defined the feathers are down to the black whiskers either side of his beak and around his eyes.  If you look into his eyes you can see me reflected there too.

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