Monday 3 April 2017

A Great Tit

On Saturday I had planned on going to Bodnant Gardens in North Wales, desperate for some spring colour but I woke to the sound of pounding rain on the roof and my mood became as grey as the clouds as I realised that my planned photo shoot was not going to happen.

Later in the day the skies cleared and the sun came out. It was too late to travel to Bodnant but I wanted so much to get out so decided to go somewhere closer to home and hit upon the idea of the Walled Garden at Royden Park. This is a local gem and although the park is a favourite with families and dog walkers the walled garden is a secluded and often over looked spot and whenever I have visited in the past I have found myself alone or just joined by one or two other visitors, Saturday was no exception and in the afternoon sun it was a perfect spot.

It is stil very early in the season and there weren't too many floral specimens on display (there were a few which I will be sharing in due course) but I spent some time watching the birds visiting a corner of the garden where there are a number of feeders set up to encourage the wildlife. 

Today's picture is of a beautiful Great Tit that was taking almost as much interest in me as I was in him. He perched for a few moments, just long enough for this shot, before flying to feed his pretty little face.

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