Tuesday 18 April 2017

Understated Beauty

This little beauty is Prunella modularis, a Dunnock.

They are regular visitors in my garden feeding on the seeds that get tossed to the ground from the feeders. They're not brightly coloured and are similar to sparrows in many ways and so could be easily overlooked.

But take a closer look and they have some really lovely features. Take this particular specimen feeding on seeds and treats at Mere Sands Wood. I had been looking at a lovely black bird on a bench when this little fellow arrived and I captured several candid shots as it skipped along the edge of the bird table in search of the best morsels. Just look at his red-brown eyes and shiny dark beak, and those orange-brown legs. Dunnocks are often seen on the ground where they appear quite drab and brown but from this angle you can see its beautiful grey head and neck with soft contrasts around the eyes. I love it and hope you do too.

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