Sunday 23 April 2017

In The Undergrowth

I was really excited yesterday to capture the picture of the Roe Deer that I shared in yesterday's post. But not long after I was able join a small group of photographers who were gathered near a collection of logs and fallen branches and I was equally as thrilled to capture these shots.

It was obvious that someone had put some seed down and there were lots of tits, robins and chaffinches popping down to feed, even the odd nuthatch. As well as the bird life however we were able to spot this cute little Bank Vole. He was clearly taking advantage of the free food and although he was very shy he kept popping out of his hole under a log to munch on the seeds and nuts. I love way he clutches the seed in his tiny paws.

It required a good deal of patience to get a decent shot because he moved so quickly and would disappear from view for long periods of time, several of my fellow photographers moved on after a while but patience and persistence paid off and these two photos are among the better ones. It also shows that we need to pay more attention to the little things, we notice birds all the time because they fly around us but the undergrowth is teeming with life, it is just harder to find.

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