Wednesday 19 April 2017

Little Grebe

While I was trying to capture the shots of the Long Tailed Tits shown in Monday's post I was met by another photographer who told me that he had just observed a pair of Little Grebes swap places sitting on a nest and suggested that if I stopped off at the nearby hide I would get the chance to spot the birds for myself.

I love these little birds so I took the advice and went to the hide with hopes high. It was a bit of a blow when I arrived as the grebe was nowhere to be seen. It was a good job however that I am patient because after a while he popped up and swam around a bit so I could grab some shots.

This is such a cute little bird and he spent almost as much time under water catching insect larvae and tiny fish as he did on the surface. I love the determination in the first of today's images, and the clear reflection as he swam towards me. In the second shot I think he was teasing me as he was partially hidden by the reeds around the hide.It was definitely worth spending time in the hide and while I was there I made up my mind that I would come again.

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