Monday 17 April 2017

Long Tailed Tit

Over the long weekend I haven't been feeling on top form and so didn't really get out very much and then today when I was feeling well enough to go out to play the weather was rubbish so I had to think hard about where to go.

One place that I love to visit is the Lancashire Wildlife Trusts reserve at Mere Sands, near Rufford and as there are several hides to observe the wildlife I figured that even in the rain I would get a few opportunities for some decent photos. When I arrived the weather had in fact improved greatly and by the time I had to leave the sun was shining and it was a perfect day.

I have recently tried a few times to get a shot of a Long Tailed Tit, they are really beautiful and endearing little birds but constantly on the move so getting a good clear image is really difficult. On the walk between two hides today I saw a small flock of these birds flitting among the bushes, accompanied by a pair of Black Caps (which sadly I didn't manage to photograph) and so I took a few minute to try and get a photo.

As I say they are constantly on the move and this little chap was quite a challenge. In the second of the images he used the upright branch as a perch and although he looks like he was posing for me he was actually scanning the air around him for flies (of which there were plenty) and he would quickly launch himself into the air, catch a fly and then settle briefly before launching another attack.

I really love these pictures and I am quite pleased with the results although I can see some room for improvement. Oh well I guess I will have to go back to Mere Sands fairly soon and try again. Not that that will be a hardship, I had such a lovely time.

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