Thursday 15 June 2017

Bird Table Bandit

I don't know whether this is a male or female grey squirrel but it was sat for ages feasting on the tasty seeds laid out for the birds. While it was busy munching seeds four young squirrels, presumably this one's offspring, were feeding off the scraps on the floor and chasing each other round the clearing and up and down the trees. Whenever one tried to get up onto the table to join in the banquet it was hurriedly chased away  by the greedy parent.

It was great fun watching the scene as it played out which was just as well because the light wasn't good enough for photographing the birds that were moving far too quickly and nervously.

But even though it wasn't the most productive trip from a photography point of view I still had a great time and I am sure that I will be back again in the not too distant future.

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