Sunday 11 June 2017

Sweet Songbird

Another soft focus today for this shot of a male Linnet(Linaria cannabina)  in breeding plumage. These birds have a beautiful song and were once very popular as cage birds. Apparently they derive their scientific name from the fact that they like to feed on hemp and their English name from another favourite food which is Flax from which linen is made.

There was a 57% decline in numbers in the UK between the 1970's and 2008 but happily in some parts of the UK they are seeing an increase and I was pleased to see this little beauty helping to brighten up a wet morning at Brockholes. I recall reading a novel in school many years ago where one of the characters had a linnet on her hat, sadly I can't remember which book so actually that was quite a useless bit of trivia, never mind .

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