Monday 12 June 2017


My recent posts of songbirds have proved quite popular and on Saturday I set out to capture some more wildlife shots. The forecast was for rain so my original plans had to change, I was keen to get out but didn't want to get wet so I settled upon Mere Sands Wood where I knew I would be able to shelter in one of the lake side hides.

On arrival I noticed a sign stating that a pair of kingfishers have been spotted around my favourite hide and so I went there first and set up ready with my finger excitedly on the button. Sadly I didn't spot any kingfishers, in fact from that hide there was very little to be seen so I moved onto a different hide in the hope of seeing some kingfishers or a bittern but after a rather long time with nothing much to see I set off for a walk in the woods.

It wasn't a total washout and I did manage to get a few decent shots. Today's selection was one of the last pictures I took on the day and I have to say it is one of my favourites (I may well share another view of this bird in a day or two). At first I wasn't sure what it is but it is of course a juvenile robin. It really is a beauty isn't it. 

I have learned that when robins fledge they stay on their parent's territory for a while and because the adult birds are so fiercely territorial they retain this lovely speckled brown plumage until they are old enough to fend for themselves and defend a territory of their own, otherwise they would be driven off by their parents and their chance of survival would be slim. 

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