Tuesday 6 June 2017

Angles and Perspectives

Today I am doing something different to my usual landscape and wildlife shots so I hope you will bear with me. I have actually been wanting to share these images for a little while and now I am free to do so.

I recently did a photo shoot for a local firm of architects at the completion of part of one project. It was the first of such projects that I have done but I got some great shots of what is a magnificent house. Some of my pictures will soon be posted on the company website so you can always have a look at SDA Architecture & Surveying to see them and some of the other cool projects they are working on. They were great guys to work with and I am looking forward to working on some more projects with them in future.

So for today's selection I have chosen one external view. I love the gables and the timber cladding and I love the large balcony overlooking the extensive gardens.

The second image is of the main room on the second floor and I love the different angles in the ceiling.

The next shot is of the en suite bathroom also on the second floor which captilises on the angles of the roof beams . I like the lines in this shot which is taken from a very low angle drawing the viewer into the picture.

The final image is of the dining room which is so light and airy with the massive windows looking out onto the gardens.

Tomorrow I will post a few more external views so come back then and have a look.

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