Friday 2 June 2017

Sausage Vine

This plant is called Holboellia coriacea which is a vigorous evergreen climbing shrub which originates from China.

Holoboellia coriacea is a bit of a mouthful and not very easy to remember so it is a good thing that it has some other more common names such as blue china vine. It also earns the name sausage vine not because of the flowers but because of the greenish/purple sausage shaped fruit that it produces after the flowers mature. The flowers themselves are very small and really quite interesting. 

For those who have been following my daily posts you will know that there was a draw yesterday and I am pleased to say that Chris from Provo in Utah will soon be receiving the print of his choice. I was pleased by the response over recent weeks so I will plan another draw in the near future so please keep following my blog and who knows next time it could be you.

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