Friday 9 June 2017


I know this isn't the sharpest picture I have ever posted that is because it was shot in very poor light and has a high ISO so it is a bit soft and grainy but it is still a nice image and if I printed it onto a photorag paper it would look a bit like a watercolour so the softness would work well.

This little song bird is a whitethroat and it flits about over hedges and scrub land and it will perch on low branches or thickets and sing its little head off. 

It also has a really interesting song flight in that it seems to bob through the air whilst in full song. It flies upwards and then drops down as if it has stalled mid-air and then it flies up again and drops again and then it will find a perch to settle on before resuming this bouncing musical display.

The bird in this picture is a male, the female is more brown in colour but equally as beautiful.

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