Tuesday 13 March 2018

All Aboard!

To get this shot I had walked along a narrow pathway alongside a workshop. Getting up close to this big locomotive, the noise and the smell was amazing. I am not at all mechanically minded but there is and always has been a fascination for me about stuff like this. 

I love wildlife and nature photography and to be a wildlife photographer would have been my dream job but big industrial settings and machines also make great images . I remember one of my first outings with my first SLR camera over 35 years ago was with my best friend in Boston and we took pictures of the railway tracks and bridges around the town and the fishing boats along the river, I'm sure I will have a stack of negatives from that day in a box somewhere.

Anyway, back to today's post I really do like this image and I think it works equally well in either colour or black and white. Sometimes if I do a picture in colour or black and white like this I will have a clear favourite but with this one I'm not sure, I really like them both. The black and white might just come out on top but its a close run thing. 

One of the things I like about this image is the fact that it feels alive. It isn't just an inanimate lump of machinery, the people in the shot, preparing the engine for its days work give the shot a vibrancy that would be missing if it was just the locomotive on its own and there is movement from the driver as he is preparing to climb the ladder into the cab. 

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