Friday 30 March 2018

Elephants Just Wanna Have Fun

I have been dying to share this picture since I took it at the end of my visit to the zoo, it is one of my favourite pictures so far this year. However, I had wanted to finish my selection from my day at the beach and so I have had to be patient.

I managed to get a number of really good shots at the zoo and I was on my way out happy with my days work. I hadn't intended to get any shots of elephants because usually at the end of the day they have been moved inside. On this occasion though I was leaving earlier than usual and so the whole family of elephants were out. I was mostly focusing on the younger family members and this little chap was really active. I was so pleased to capture this shot as the young elephant decided to have a dust bath and I got the timing spot on as it threw the shower of dust over its head. 

I think this is a really happy image and so I hope it brightens your day as much as it does mine.

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