Sunday 18 March 2018

Different Ends Of The Valley

These two shots were taken yesterday but they look as if one was taken in winter and the other in summer.

I had just emerged from the darkness of the copper mine high up on the side of the hill. Underground it had been relatively warm but coming outside I was hit with the icy blast of the wind blowing up the valley. There was snow blowing around and with the wind chill it felt like it was -14 C. From the first image you can see the snow storm approaching and even though it only left a light dusting it was enough to let me know that winter isn't ready to end just yet.

Turn 180 degrees and the scene is completely different, apart from the absence of leaves on the trees you could imagine it is a summer's day. Next stop from here was going to be Black Rock Sands near Porthmadog. It is a lovely expanse of sand with impressive cliffs and a great spot to visit so the clear blue sky was drawing me there however I wasn't sure whether I would get there before the snow...

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