Wednesday 28 March 2018

Seaside Scenes

So I know that the second of today's images is a bit like a holiday postcard but I wanted to share it because it follows on from the first picture which is of a fresh water spring which was bursting out from the cliff and really took me by surprise as I was walking along the beach. 
It was pouring out at such a rate that it has carved out a pool in the sand and then as you can see from the second picture it flows out to the sea as quite a wide river, cutting a course through the beach and in places it was quite deep everyone who was walking the beach, from either direction was forced to turn back as the river blocked their path. 
This is an interesting feature though because when the tide comes in the whole beach is covered and the river effectively disappears and then as the tide goes out the river starts afresh.

In the distance you can just about make out Criccieth castle and further in the distance the hills on the Lleyn Peninsula. You can also see the snow clouds building on the right reminding me at least of how bitterly cold it was in spite of the sun.

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