Tuesday 20 March 2018


These common gulls had stopped by to share in my in-car picnic on the beach at Black Rock Sands. I had eaten a delicious Scotch Egg and a Stromboli bought in a local cafe/deli and there was no chance they were going to get any of that. 

I had also bought a cherry bun for "dessert" but I didn't really enjoy that so I threw a chunk out of the window to the waiting gulls thinking that they would tear it apart. To my surprise and amusement one bird swallowed it whole and then seemed to stagger around with a hugely swollen crop. I was a bit more careful to throw smaller pieces for the other birds and was again surprised to see the already stuffed bird fighting with his comrades over the other scraps in a disgusting display of greed.

I was impressed by the aerobatic skills of the birds as they snatched tasty snacks midair.

I took a number of pictures of the birds in flight as they were soaring effortlessly in the strong easterly wind. I think these shots capture the supreme skill of these birds and I particularly like the light in the first image.

Anyone who has had a seaside picnic will have been pestered by gulls and they're widely considered as pests but they are really quite attractive birds.

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