Saturday 10 March 2018

Noisy Nuthatch

I have seen nuthatches many times and they are really beautiful birds. 

I love the way they cling onto the bark or branches of trees lying flat against the surface or hanging upside down, they are so agile. I love their black mask giving them the appearance of a bandit.

This particular bird was spotted during a walk in the New Forest, I was actually stalking a herd of Fallow Deer at the time and it was pretty wet and grey so the lighting wasn't great. The noise in the title to this post doesn't relate to the birds' song but to the "noise" in the image because it was shot at an ISO of 20,000 so inevitably it was very grainy and nowhere near as sharp as I had hoped it would be. 

I had almost discarded these shots as worthless but after a little bit of tweaking in Lightroom I have found that they could be salvaged and they are closer to what I had pictured when I took the shots. I really like the poses in both shots so I am glad I was able to "rescue" them. Now that I know how I will be able to go through some older files and see if I can apply this fix to other shots that previously I had discarded.

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