Saturday 16 October 2021

Black Headed Gull

 This is a pretty common sight around out coastline, a black headed gull. "Black headed ?"you say, "surely not! " But yes, it is a non breeding adult, the black head you would expect to see is actually the breeding plumage.

This might seem a fairly boring subject for my blog pictures when there are more exciting species to go in search of, and to be honest I would much rather be photographing more exotic species. However wildlife photography involves a lot of patience and a lot of effort and sometimes you just have to shoot what is there. 

I had gone out onto the beach waiting for the tide to come in and to see the flocks of waders that come in ahead of the tide. It was a little further out than I had expected so as I waited I tried to get some practice with the gulls.

In the first image you can see that it was calling out, maybe a warning to keep my distance, look at that long floppy tongue. In the second image it had walked a little further away before launching into the air as flying away as you can see in the final image.

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