Wednesday 13 October 2021

On the Wing

 Here are a few more images of the majestic Red Kites. 

They are such graceful birds and they seem to fly effortlessly and always watchful for the next meal.

At first just a few birds were circling overhead but as the afternoon wore on large numbers appeared above the ridges all around until 150 or more were gathered waiting for the butchers' scraps that are provided each day. Watching them as they hovered over the feeding site and then swooping down at high speed was a real spectacle, it was amazing to see how they avoided colliding with each other and then snatching pieces of meat off the ground before flying up to eat while on the wing.

While they were waiting many birds practiced their aerobatics, dive bombing other birds and performing sudden direction changes  before looping up and soaring away again.

I cannot begin to describe the feeling I had watching this spectacle, it is a sight I will never forget and something that I hope to experience again. If you ever get the chance I would highly recommend it.

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