Sunday 31 October 2021

Cat Face

 This selection of pictures are of a Eurasian Eagle Owl. This is the UK's largest species of owl and it is really quite magnificent. They were almost extinct in the UK now so long ago apart from those birds in private collections but in recent years there has been an increase in their numbers. This increase has received a mixed reception because they will take other birds of prey as part of their diet, including other endangered species so the conservation programme has to be carefully managed.

I think they are really splendid birds and I have been lucky enough to see one in the wild, it was a visitor at Burton Mere Wetlands a few years ago and it attracted a large number of twitchers  who were all lined up in the hope pf catching a glimpse.

I think there is something feline about these birds, at least in the shape of the face especially in flight, what do you think???

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