Sunday 17 October 2021

Oh Baby

 I had spent the morning defrosting the freezer, not the most exciting way to use a valuable day off work that's for sure, so after lunch I decided to head off to Dunham Massey for a walk around the deer park.

I am lucky to have some really nice places to visit close by where I can enjoy the wildlife. While you might think that photographing deer in a managed herd is not as special as photographing them in the wild it still has its challenges. Although the deer are used to people they are still wild and quite timid so it is important to respect that and keep a sensible distance. At this time of year as the rut is under way that is even more important because they are on high alert.

It was a real treat to spot this youngster in the first image, it was so cute.

Later on it was wonderful to spot another youngster feeding from its mother, it was such a tender moment to witness. I stood really still so as not to disturb this mother and child.

It was so good to get out even just for an hour or two and I need more moments like this to help clear my head and get a break from the pressures and concerns that sometimes can wear me down.

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