Friday 8 October 2021

Flying Things

Today I took a trip to Bwlch Nant Yr Arian Forest Centre near Aberystwyth where they have a feeding station for Red Kites.
The Red Kite is one of my favourite birds and it is always a thrill to see one as they have clawed their way back from near extinction to a healthy population (at least in some parts of the UK).

But before I got to see any birds I spotted these two beautiful dragonflies. The first is a Southern Hawker which is a large and brightly coloured species, this one is a male.
The second is a common darter, it is smaller and less brightly coloured but it is one of the most common varieties so it is highly likely you will have seen one at some point.

I have yet to sort through my many photos from the day and hope to have some good shots of the birds to share but I couldn't resist just one sneak peek below...


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