Saturday 26 September 2015

A Lovely Evening in Millom

Today I have spent the day in Snowdonia but the pictures I have chosen for my blog are from last weekends trip to Millom in Cumbria.  

We have some really fantastic countryside in the UK and I had one of the best nights ever last Friday camping at a new site on the North West coast between Millom and Haverigg. There were no other campers on the site so it was really perfect.  Over the next few days I will share some pictures from the trip, including my first attempt at shooting the night sky.

For today I have chosen some pictures of the sunset.  The first is looking across the fields to Millom with the Cumbrian Fells in the distance, you can see Scafell Pike and Coniston (if you know what you're looking for).

The second image I took along one of the lanes near to the campsite, I love the evening light as it breaks through the trees.  

The final picture was the view from my tent as the sun was setting, I don't think anyone can argue, that was a great view to end the day.  After that I got some fish n chips with a helping of battered haggis for my supper before settling down to watch the stars. Mmmmm what a brilliant night.

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