Monday 14 September 2015


When I saw these spider webs in the dry stone wall along an English country lane I was firstly impressed by the fantastic structures and then curious as to what type of spider had built them.

Peering in it was impossible to see anything lurking inside but as I don't really like spiders too much I was cautious about getting too close.  I left the research until I got home.

Looking for similar nests on the web (pun intended) I saw reference to funnel web spiders and there certainly is a real similarity to the nests.  But I know that Funnel Webs are native to Australia and it was highly unlikely they would be hiding out is a damp moss covered wall in Derbyshire.

So what spider lives in a "house" like this?  Well as it happens its a Labyrinth spider, which it turns out is quite a small and unassuming creature and really quite common.  

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