Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ursa Major and the Milky Way

Following on from last night's super moon I thought I would share some more pictures of heavenly bodies.

These photos are from my very first attempt at photographing the night sky.  They were taken in Cumbria on the night of the 18th September. I wasn't trying to capture any particular constellations I was really just practicing to try and get the settings right.  I was amazed to see a sky so full of stars and the milky way so bright and spent quite some time looking up in awe. All of the pictures above were taken using a 30 second exposure.

Today is the first time I have looked at these pictures properly and I was thrilled to see in the first picture Ursa Major being so clear so I had to post that one first.

I saw a number of shooting stars on that night and I cannot be sure whether the light trail in the second picture (and the fainter ones in the fourth and fifth shots) are shooting stars or light trails from aircraft. I hope they are shooting stars.

I cannot identify the constellations in the other pictures but in picture three there is a bright planet just right of centre, it has a particular glow around it and I am curious as to which planet (if any) it is.

I had such a good time taking these pictures and just observing the night sky.  I will definitely be doing it again and maybe I will try doing some star trails.  I think I need to learn a bit more so I can try and photograph the specific constellations.  If anybody viewing this can tell me what can be seen in these pictures I would be very grateful.

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