Saturday 12 September 2015

Ripple Effect

Walking along by the River Wye my daughter and I came across a still pool with crystal clear water, we paused to eat a slice of delicious Lemon Drizzle cake we had bought in  the Litton Village Shop  and in the shade of the trees lining the banks we watched the Rainbow Trout patrolling the river. Every now and then one of the trout broke the surface as it caught a meal.  The pictures above show the trees reflected in the ripples.  I like the motion and the colours captured in these shots. Because it wasn't possible to predict where the trout would rise next we created a few ripples ourselves by dropping small sticks into the water a little way from the bank.  It was surprising how such a little thing could cause ripples that spread so far... It was actually quite mesmerising too and we spent a lot longer than I intended.

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