Sunday 20 September 2015

Bright Lights, Big City

On Friday night I had one of the best night's ever as I camped out in a field in Cumbria. It was a cold night but the sky was clear and I sat transfixed by the mass of stars. Of course I took loads of photos and sooner or later I will get around to sorting through them and posting them here in my blog.

By contrast tonight I am in London and for the next three days I will be here for work.  Having got here in the early evening I went for a walk and I snapped a couple of photos.

Picture one is of the lights inside the foyer of an office building on Long Acre just round the corner from Drury Lane.

Picture two is of an old street lamp in Aldwych opposite The Royal Courts of Justice on The Strand.

Picture three is of the market stalls at Covent Garden as the traders are packing away.

I love the city and I'm sure over the next few days I'll have some more great pictures to share. But I'm also sure that I will be ready to get back to the quiet life when this job is over.

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