Friday 26 February 2016

Emerging Blossom

I had intended to follow on from yesterday's post with some shots from the dairy at Erddig but as you can see I have taken things in a different direction. The reason being that my recent post Spring is Springing has been so popular it has stormed into top ten most viewed posts (currently it is at number 8) and so it seems that in these cold and frosty winter days there is a real taste for these signs that better weather and a change in the seasons is coming.

Today I headed off to Chirk Castle in North Wales, where there is always a spectacular display of Snowdrops at this time of year.  I only took a couple of pictures of Snowdrops however as there was plenty of colour and new growth to catch the eye albeit much of it very small and only noticeable if you were looking for it (which of course I was).

Given how small everything was I relied on my 100mm Macro Lens today, it is a beautiful lens and has never let me down as I try to get great close up shots. I hope you will agree that today it has served me well.

The first two pictures are of apple blossom emerging, each little bud was no bigger than a small pea and I love the pattern of the veins in the new petals. I am reminded by the first picture a little of the plant "Audrey II" from Little Shop of Horrors.

The flowers in the third picture were so tiny and delicate, they were growing in the shelter of a wall in the castle's kitchen garden.

It has been pointed out to me that the budding leaves in the final picture look a little bit like a paintbrush, which I guess it does.

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