Saturday 20 February 2016

In The Workshop

As a schoolboy the practical subject that I enjoyed most was woodwork and while I won't pretend that I possessed any great skill I really enjoyed the smell and feel of the wood and I always found it really satisfying to finish a project.  In contrast to metalwork where my most enduring memory is of a lump of metal (which was intended to be a support for a small metal dish that I was making) flew across the workshop like a bullet because I got confused and turned the wheel of the lathe in the wrong direction. I got a heck of telling off and it was lucky I didn't hurt anyone and to my surprise I wasn't actually banned from the workshop so I got to finish the dish.

Anyway I still love the atmosphere of a woodworking shop and at Erddig there is a great workshop which is still in use. It has the smell of a log fire burning in one corner mixed with the scents of sawdust and well oiled and carefully maintained tools. I love the order and precision of these tool racks and the care that has gone into preserving these tools of the trade is clear to see. I think they make great subject for a really atmospheric picture and I think they work well in both colour and black & white.

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