Thursday 25 February 2016

Laundry Time

So for the past two days I haven't been able to post anything because I was away camping in the North Yorkshire Moors (in sub zero temperatures). Slightly crazy perhaps but lots of fun, a great break and plenty of photo opportunities and when I have had time to sort through for the best shots I will be posting some great winter landscapes, seascapes, seabirds and waders, surfers and more so look out for those.

For today though it is back to Erddig and these shots are from the laundry. In the first picture you can see the crank of what was clearly quite a mechanised process pressing the sheets etc for such a large household.

The second shot shows a rack of hand irons neatly lined up waiting to be used. I like how orderly this is and it reminds me of the order of the carpentry workshop in the pictures from earlier this week.

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