Monday 15 February 2016

Yawning Tortoise or Exogorth

There is something about tortoise that I like but I can't really explain what it is because in many ways they are quite boring. I suppose I like the patterned shell and their craggy skin. 

The cryptic title of today's post refers to the second picture, it was one of a series of shots taken as the tortoise stretched his neck and yawned revealing its tongue and inside its mouth.  As it did this it brought to mind the scene in Star Wars Episode V (The Empire Strikes Back for those of you who need clarification) where Han Solo and crew hide from The Empire in an asteroid field.  They hide briefly in a crater but soon realise they are inside a living creature ( an Exogorth) and as they escape it stretches out its neck to try and recapture them. For fans of Family Guy an alternative title for the blog was going to be "Shut Up Meg!"

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