Wednesday 17 February 2016

Tweedily Tweedily Dee Goes the Bird

The title of today's post is taken from a song by Johnathon Richman and The Modern Lovers.  It's not a particularly good song but the line fits with the experience of seeing these lovely birds in The Tropical Realm at Chester Zoo where the air was full of the sound of birdsong.

I don't know what species they are but they are really beautiful.  I think the first bird is a type of starling but cant be sure, I really like the eye in the first picture.  The final picture was really difficult to get because the bird was on the ground under the shrubs and in very poor light so I'm particularly pleased to have captured it and its brightly coloured plumage. Saying that an alternative title for the blog comes to mind,"Beautiful Plumage..." inspired by the Parrot Sketch from Monty Python .

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