Thursday 18 January 2018

An Interlude

For the past few days I have been sharing lots of pictures of some incredibly beautiful birds of prey and so it might seem strange that today I have posted two pictures of rusting metal.

The point is though that beauty is subjective and can be found in different places and in different things. 

While I am drawn to nature for inspiration and I find great joy in photographing wildlife (yesterday's falcon is a perfect example, it gives me goosebumps every time I look at it) I also find pleasure in strange places. This piece of agricultural salvage is a good example. It is a beet cutter, for chopping beets etc as fodder for cattle, sheep and other animals and hidden away in an overgrown corner I liked the way it caught the limited light and added a real contrast to the sleek elegance of the birds all around it.

I shot in black and white because it fits the subject really well and I think these are really good images.

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